Hades hercules disney quotes
Hades hercules disney quotes

hades hercules disney quotes

One of the two little boys says (actually a transformed Pain and Panic) yells, "Somebody call IX-I-I!" note Technically, that's Roman numerals, but it's still funny.Just get me down before I ruin the upholstery. Meg, not knowing the reason he was happy, has this to say: Hercules perks up once he hears that two little boys have been trapped in a rock slide, since it means he can prove himself as a hero.The ending has Snowball wearing Hercules merch and blowing him a kiss.According to The Art of Hercules - The Chaos of Creation, Snowball does most of his owner's thinking for him. In crowd scenes the man can be seen wearing Snowball as a hat when panicking, and when praising Hercules Snowball claps too. One of the citizens of Thebes has a cat named Snowball, whose black fur is burnt to a crisp after surviving a fire.After Meg leaves, Phil trying to snap Herc out of his lovesick stare.

hades hercules disney quotes

  • Even better when you remember whose son Herc is.
  • Maybe the best part of that exchange is Herc rolling his eyes at Meg's "no means yes" line.
  • hades hercules disney quotes

    Meg: (beat) Don't worry, Shorty here can explain it to you later. (confused, Herc just glances back at Pegasus, who just shrugs and snorts with irritation) They think "no" means "yes" and "get lost" means "take me I'm yours"! ( does a mock swooning pose to Herc) Meg: Pinhead with hooves? Well, you know how men are. Hercules: So, how did you get mixed up with the. Meg: Hercules? I think I prefer "Wonderboy". Hercules: ( Shy chuckle) Uh, I'm, uh, uh.( Stammering, Herc babbles incoherently) So, did they give you a name with all those rippling pectorals? My friends call me "Meg" - or at least they would if I had any friends. Meg: ( Meg whips her head around, accidentally slapping Herc in the face with her wet hair) Megara. Phil's snarkily lampshading Greek Hero Theme Naming when he's trying to get Hercules to leave at first:.Hercules' reaction to seeing the goat-man for the first time was funny.Blink and you'll miss it, but after Herc and Pegasus first meet Phil (but don't realize who he is) are asking him if he knows where they can find Philoctetes, Phil's got a bowl of fruit in his hand-he studies it for a moment before tossing the fruit away and just straight-up eating the bowl (though Fridge Brilliance comes in when you realize that, since Phil is technically half-goat, he'll probably eat literally anything).The only other time Hercules became frightened enough to scream or run away was during his battle the Hydra, ironically after growing more muscular and brawny upon completing his training as a full-fledged hero. The scrawny teenager tries running away and crashes into a candlestand before being picked up in the great god's massive hands. Of course, in Herc's defense, that's probably how any normal person would react in such a situation. What is Herc's first instinct upon the giant stone statue of Zeus towering above him, coming to life and directly reaching towards him? Scream at the top of his lungs, that's what.At the beginning of "Go The Distance", Hercules picks up a rock and skips it - and it just keeps skipping off into the sunset.Amphitryon and Alcmene's looks of disbelief after seeing baby Herc curb-stomp Pain and Panic.Anybody listenin’? It’s like I’m- What am I, an echo or something? Hello? Hello? Am I talking to, what, hyperspace? Hello, it’s me. Hades: What d’ya say? It’s happy ending time! Everybody’s got a little taste of somethin’ but me.

    Hades hercules disney quotes