Project zomboid traits balance
Project zomboid traits balance

If you plan on getting all of the good traits in this list, you have to get a few bad ones to offset. When you create your character you only have a certain amount of points to delegate. Well sure, but you have to balance positive and negative traits. Still, at 4 points this is another great cheap trait to pick up. The lucky train will only affect loot that is found around the world. Players have previously thought it affects your chances of being bitten but it does not. It doesn’t really explain the trait at all. The description for this trait is a little bit mysterious. This makes it a rather great skill to have as looting is one of the biggest parts of the game. For example, you have a higher chance to find rare items such as axes. With this trait on your character, you will find more rare items when you are looting. Lucky is considered by most to be the most OP trait in the game. Coupled with a bit of luck, you may survive a long time. With this you may not be as afraid to take on those 2 or 3 zeds on the road. This is a particularly good trait if you aren’t planning on using the stealth mechanic of the game. That means that one moment where you weren’t on the ball doesn’t have to mean the end of your character!Ĭoupled with protective clothing this trait will make you a human tank With thick skinned you lower your chance of having a bite or scratch actually break the skin. That or you may have a zombie sneak up around a corner. Even without meaning for it to happen you may get trapped in a room. Sometimes accidents happen in Project Zomboid. We all think we are very careful and patient. I use fast learner on basically every character that I plan to have surviving over a long period of time. This trait just makes the process a lot quicker and easier than any other way. With long play-throughs spanning weeks and weeks it can be important to farm the right skills. The best part is, it only takes 6 points to apply it to your character! This skill gives a permanent 30% experience gain to all skills. The best part about this skill is that you can stack it with the books that you can find in the game. This gain is applied to every single skill. This trait gives your character a greater rate of experience gain.

project zomboid traits balance

The fast learner is basically a no-brainer here. I will explain why I always end up with these traits as I go.

project zomboid traits balance

These may not be the best traits for everyone. The following list will be completely biased and based on my play style. If you aren’t already on the build 41 beta version but want to be, check out this guide. Today, I’m going to count down my top 10 best traits for Project Zomboid.Īdvertisements I am playing the build 41 version of the game on Steam. This can be anything from being a little bit unlucky, to being more fit than the average survivor. This allows you to pick good or bad traits for your character. One of the systems in Project Zomboid is the traits system. Mostly based around how you want your character.

project zomboid traits balance project zomboid traits balance

Will you risk going into the zombie-invested warehouse to get that generator? Are you going to take the golf club or the baseball bat? Right from the start of the game you are faced with difficult decisions. Project Zomboid is a game filled with choices.

Project zomboid traits balance